Annual Governance Audit Report

The Annual Goverance Audit Report (AGAR) is a report made on the financial management of the Parish Council .The Internal Auditor confirms that financial procedures are correct and that all payments, balances and accounts can be reconciled. In the report for 2023/24 the accounts were signed off as being well managed and accurate.  The external audit has yet to be completed and will be published in due course.  

If you are unable to access the downloaded documents, paper copies of this report and explanations of the content can be obtained from the Parish Clerk.

CIL Reports

Annual reports containing Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) income and expenditiure.

Archived documents

Council documents relating to agendas, Minutes and financial records for the year 2021- 22  are available within the relevant archived documents section. Other documents may be available, on request, from the Parish Clerk. Please note that some paper copies of agendas and minutes relating to the mid 1980's were unfortunately lost due to water damage.