
07791 088761

Minutes A66 – Apr 15th 2024

Minutes from council meeting on Apr 15th 2024 7pm at Butlers Pantry

Present: Councillors – Helen Leone(Chair), Barry Rooks(Parish Clerk), Jill Martin, Mark Stephenson, Kevin Martin, Emma Bailey.

Mr K Austin and Mrs J Austin were invited by Council to support the discussion on Future Projects.


1. Apologies. All Councillors present.


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting. None received.


3. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th Mar 2024. Approved with two amendments. Point 10 (arborist advice), change of meeting (1st July to 24th July).


4. Finance Report. Clerk.

4.1 Monthly report.

                        Current Account:  Mar 2024

                     In the bank: Mar 4th 2024….……..£1,987.43

                              Total Expenses:.............................. £708.43

        Total Income:.................................. £00.00

                              In the bank: Mar 31st 2024…......£1,279.00

  LPC Reserves Account:  Mar 2024

       In the bank: Mar 4th 2024………......£21,148.03

       Withdrawal: ………………………......£0            


       In the bank: Mar 31st 2024.……..…..£21,173.00

 CIL Account:Mar 2024

       In the bank: Mar 4th 2024……….….£19,530.92

                             Interest: ………………………….......£23.06


                             In the bank: Mar 31st 2024.………...£19,553.98

S106 Account: Mar 2024

       In the bank:Mar 4th 2024……..…….£193.54

                             Interest: …………………………...…£0.21


                             In the bank: Mar 31st 2024………...£193.75

4.2 Monthly report, year end figures - for acceptance by Council. Council accepted reports, consolidation of income and expenditure and year end figures. 

4.3 Council to approve regular payments: Tivoli, clerk wages. Council approved regular payments and transfers to the Reserves Account.


5. Tennis club meeting. Cllrs Leone, K Martin and Stephenson to meet with the tennis committee on 14th May.


6. Future projects. Cllr Leone. Council agreed to:

a}  retain ongoing responsibility for

  • maintenance of woodland walks 

  • thickening the roadside barrier in Lea Park using natural materials

  • the deployment of the Speed Watch Team as required.

  • review the Lea Neighbourhood Plan 

                     b) consider 

    - development of a larger car park at Lea Park

    - alteration to the opening into Lea Park

    - the future of Lea and Roses Cricket Club pavilion - working with L&RCC

    - the renegotiated lease with the tennis club

    - the deployment of Digital Mapping


c)  present the following ideas at the Annual Parish Meeting for feedback

  • Refurbishment of Butlers Pantry: Yes/No? Ideas for future use.

  • Activity equipment for over 12’s in the park.

  • Extra picnic benches/benches in the park and along Gainsborough Road.

  • Heritage Trail and park guidance signage

  • any other ideas that are present before or during the meeting


7. Correspondence. Suggestions from residents.

Presented by Cllr Bailey: After a site visit, Council agreed:

1) to remove loose branches from the fallen tree to the edge of the field

2) not to move the trunk of the tree. Council to monitor deterioration over time.


Closed Session:

  • Clerk salary scale


Proposed Dates for 2024 meetings:

13th May LPC AGM

20th May - Lea Annual Parish Meeting

24th June - LPC - Approve AGAR

12th Aug - LPC

23rd Sept - LPC

4th Nov - LPC

16th Dec - LPC