Minutes A73 – Jan 13th 2025
Minutes from council meeting on Jan 13th 2025, 6.30pm at Butlers Pantry.
Present: Councillors – Helen Leone (Chair), Jill Martin (Vice Chair), Barry Rooks(Parish Clerk), Mark Stephenson, Kevin Martin, Oliver Stephenson, Steve Leone, Paul Beck, Diane Beck
1. Apologies. Cllr Emma Bailey (accepted by council).
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation. Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting. None received.
3. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th December 2024. Approved with no amendments.
4. Finance Report. Clerk.
4.1 Monthly report.
Current Account: Dec-Jan 2024/5
In the bank: Dec 10th 2024….…..……...£1,011.62
Total Expenses:....................................£1,012.30
Total Income:.........................................£1000.00
In the bank: Jan 8th 2025………………..£999.32
LPC Reserves Account: Dec-Jan 2024/5
In the bank: Dec 10th 2024……….…..£49,373.72
Withdrawal: ……………….………….…...£1,000.00
In the bank: Jan 8th 2025.…………….£48,373.72
CIL Account: Dec-Jan 2024/5
In the bank: Dec 10th 2024……….….£19,773.98
Interest: …………………………..……….....£00.00
In the bank: Jan 8th 2025………..…..£19,773.98
S106 Account: Dec-Jan 2024/5
In the bank: Dec 10th 2024…..………..…£195.78
Interest: …………………………….……....…£0.00
In the bank: Jan 8th 2025……….…….….£195.78
Council accepted reports, consolidation of income and expenditure.
4.2 Council to set precept for 2025/26. Council agreed not to raise the precept for the second year running. £22,000 agreed and submitted to cover council expenses for 2025/26.
5. Building work around BP update. Clerk
5.1. Repointing work. Quote circulated. Clerk to obtain further quotes.
5.2. Fencing and drainage. Fencing work has commenced. Drainage work to commence in March. Cllr J Martin to rewrite new signage, clerk to obtain quote and proof from printers.
6. Future projects. Progress reports - All councillors. Council expresses thanks to Rachel Rooks for the great job in cleaning Butlers Pantry. The Council are also grateful for all the help and advice provided by Pete Arthy to prune the orchard. Cllrs H Leone and J.Martin to complete check of the orchard trees ready for labelling. Cllrs H Leone and J Martin to complete survey of park fencing to map where repairs are needed. Cllr H Leone to update the Lea Park Maintenance Plan. Clerk to order disabled access picnic bench.
7. Play equipment report. Cllr Leone. Cllr Leone to devise monthly work sheet for required tasks in the play park.
8. Quotes for additional park equipment. Clerk to obtain further comparative quotes for additional play/activity equipment.
9. Tivoli contract - update. Clerk to email Tivoli to settle the account. Cllr H Leone to prepare village plan, indicating extent of grass cutting areas ready for tendering for grass maintenance contract. Clerk to prepare tender.
10. Handrail between Stainton Close and Trehampton Drive - update. Highways chasing installation date - clerk to follow up.
11. Tennis Club lease. Cllr Leone. Cllr Leone to redraft lease and circulate to council for approval. Clerk to contact solicitor for quote.
12. Lea Park: Pond, pathway, orchard. Clerk to contact LWT for advice on pond safety/risk assessment.
13. Unfinished homes and works at Rose Gardens. The Council are in contact with Rippon Homes in regards to the completion of the site.
Proposed Dates for 2025 meetings:24th February 2025 - LPC
14th April 2025 - LPC
12th May - LPC AGM
19th May - Annual Parish Meeting
23rd June - AGAR
11th August - LPC
22nd September - LPC
3rd November - LPC
15th December - LPC