
07791 088761

Minutes A69 – Aug 12th 2024

Minutes from council meeting on Aug 12th 2024, 7pm at Butlers Pantry

Present: Councillors – Helen Leone(Chair), Barry Rooks(Parish Clerk), Jill Martin, Mark Stephenson, Kevin Martin, Emma Bailey.


1. Apologies. All councillors present.


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting. None received.


3. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 24th June 2024. Approved with no amendments.


4. New Councillor applications. Personnel committee. (Oliver Stephenson, Diane Beck, Paul Beck, Steven Leone). Oliver Stephenson and Steve Leone’s applications were accepted and approved by the Council. Both were co-opted as councillors.


5  Finance Report. Clerk.

 Monthly report.


                        Current Account:  Jun-Aug 2024

                     In the bank: Jun 17th 2024….…….£440.61

                              Total Expenses:............................£1,302.96

        Total Income:.................................£1,135.00

                              In the bank: Aug 5th 2024…….....£272.65

  LPC Reserves Account:  Jun-Aug 2024

       In the bank: Jun 17th 2024………..£53,986.86

       Withdrawal: ………………………...£1,000      


       In the bank: Aug 5th 2024.……..…£53,052.42

 CIL Account:  Jun-Aug 2024

       In the bank: Jun 17th 2024……….£19,627.31

                             Interest: …………………………....£23.97


                             In the bank: Aug 5th 2024.……….£19,651.28

S106 Account:  Jun-Aug 2024

       In the bank: Jun 17th 2024……..…£194.43

                             Interest: …………………………...…£0.22


                             In the bank: Aug 5th 2024………...£194.65

Council accepted reports, consolidation of income and expenditure.

6. Future projects. Feedback from all Cllrs as agreed at meeting 24th June 2024.

Council discussed plans for future projects. Cllrs Leone and J Martin to devise a plan of agreed actions and timescales. Details to be shared on the website and via Lea Life once formulated.


7. Tennis club lease. Cllr Leone. Cllr Leone to send quote for the cost of the new lease to LPTC for further discussion.


8. Correspondence. 

i) re roundabout Foxby Lane. Letter from builders around reasons for delays, relayed to councillors. Completion date set for September 2025.

ii) Lincs minerals and waste local plan. Information letter about new Lincolnshire Plan. No response necessary at this stage.


9. Social media.

i) report from Cllrs K Martin and Leone

ii) update of policy

Council agreed to update social media policy and place it on the website.


10. Tivoli. Clerk to email Tivoli outlining the council's dissatisfaction with their service.


Closed session:

  • Fireworks display. Cllrs Leone, J. Martin and K.Martin

Cllr Leone to email response to Rotary Club


Proposed Dates for 2024 meetings:

30th Sept - LPC

4th Nov - LPC

16th Dec - LPC