
07791 088761

Meeting notes A70 – Sept 30th 2024

Meeting notes from council meeting on Sept 30th 2024, 7pm at Butlers Pantry

Present: Councillors – Helen Leone(Chair), Barry Rooks(Parish Clerk), Jill Martin, Mark Stephenson, Kevin Martin, Oliver Stephenson, Steve Leone.


1. Apologies. Cllr Bailey (accepted by council). 


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting. None received.


3. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th August 2024. Approved with no amendments.


4. Stainton Close handrail. Cllr J. Martin. Council agreed to handrail on the steps only. Clerk to contact Highways to instruct.


5. Code of Conduct. All councillors to ensure they have read, accepted and abide by the Code of Conduct. Available to view on the parish council website.


6. Finance Report. Clerk.

 6.1 Monthly report.


                        Current Account:  Aug-Sept 2024

                     In the bank: Aug 5th 2024….…….£272.65

                              Total Expenses:............................£1263.95

        Total Income:.................................£2207

                              In the bank: Sept 24th 2024….....£1215.70

  LPC Reserves Account:  Aug-Sept 2024

       In the bank:Aug 5th 2024………..£53,052.42

       Withdrawal: ………………………...£2000      


       In the bank: Sept 24th 2024.……£51,185.59

 CIL Account:  Aug-Sept 2024

       In the bank: Aug 5th 2024……….£19,651.28

                             Interest: …………………………....£49.63


                             In the bank: Sept 24th 2024…….£19,700.91

S106 Account:  Aug-Sept 2024

       In the bank: Aug 5th 2024……..…£194.65

                             Interest: …………………………...…£0.46


                             In the bank: Sept 24th 2024……..£195.11

Council accepted reports, consolidation of income and expenditure.


6.2 External audit report. Accepted by the council. Available to view on the website. Council thanked the clerk for his ongoing work on the accounts. 


7. Future projects. 

Approval of 24/25 and 25/26 sheets. Completion dates.

Update on projects esp. for 24/25. Cllr J Martin shared documents outlining the plan of works over the next year following discussions and consultations with residents. Each councillor's responsibilities were outlined and work is to begin immediately. 


8. Minerals and village crossing. Cllr Bailey. West Lindsey District Council response noted and included Lea Parish Council comments. Ongoing discussion around a crossing in Lea. Highway investigation stated lack of evidence of need. Lea PC to conduct its own survey of pedestrian traffic.

Council agreed in principle to include grass cutting of the church grounds (2 cuts per year) as part of its grass cutting contract if formally requested by Lea Parish Church.


9. Tivoli contract. Clerk to contact Tivoli to express the council's dissatisfaction with their lack of response to the council voicing complaints over level of service this year. Council to consider options for other contractors.


10. Lea and Lea Park maintenance (fences, benches, play park, bins, footpaths, bus       shelters etc).

10.1 Tree Pruning project. Cllr Leone to invite members of the Lea Park Volunteers Group to a session to learn how to prune the fruit trees in the orchard. 2nd Nov 10.30am. 


10.2 Village Green space maintenance.Councilors O. Stephenson and K. Martin to agree future dates for working party groups.


11. Correspondence: 

Dogs in play park. New signs installed to deter owners taking dogs into the play park. Cllrs to monitor.

Funding for student trip. Council is unable to fund individuals directly but can offer support for fundraising events. 

Cross country.  October 30th with a reserve date the following Wednesday. Cllrs O and M Stephenson to set up and lock up.


Proposed Dates for 2024 meetings: Please note new start time.

4th Nov - LPC: 6.30pm

16th Dec - LPC: 6.30pm

27th January 2025 - LPC: 6.30pm

10th March 2025 - LPC