07791 088761
You are hereby summoned to an Emergency Meeting of the Council at Butlers Pantry, 7pm, Wednesday 12th April 2023. There will be a 15-minute, public forum at the beginning of the meeting should any members of the public wish to ask questions or make short statements to the Council. For any other comments please refer these to Barry Rooks using the contact details above for future discussion by the council.
1. Apologies.
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation. Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting.
3. To approve minutes from extraordinary meeting, EM1, on March 27th.
4. S106 money. Council to discuss options and next steps following further delays in payment from Rippon Homes.
5. Lea Park 50th Anniversary Festival financing. Council to discuss further funding to finance hiring a marquee.
Proposed Dates for 2023 meetings:
24th April - LPC
15th May - LPC AGM
22nd May - Annual Parish Meeting
3rd July - LPC
21st Aug - LPC
25th Sept - LPC
6th Nov - LPC
18th Dec - LPC