
07791 088761

You are hereby summoned to the Annual General Meeting of the Council at Butlers Pantry, 7pm, Monday 24th June 2024. There will be a 15-minute, public forum at the beginning of the meeting should any members of the public wish to ask questions or make short statements to the Council. For any other comments please refer these to Barry Rooks using the contact details above for future discussion by the council. 



1. Apologies. 


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting.


3. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13th May 2024.


4. Planning application 148330 LOCATION:  Priory Farm Cottage Gainsborough Road Lea Gainsborough DN21 5JB PROPOSAL: Request for a screening opinion under Section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989 to install or keep installed an electric line above ground - ENQ23120358 for two 138kVA services to be provided at the address above. To provide the service an additional span of high voltage overhead line will need to be upgraded following recent planning approval for 17 spans of upgrade.


Council response: no comment


5. Finance Report. Clerk.

5.1 Monthly report.

                        Current Account:  May-Jun 2024

                     In the bank: May 7th 2024….……..£1,161.37

                              Total Expenses:.......................... £22,892.68

        Total Income:............................... £22,171.92

                              In the bank: Jun 17th 2024…......£440.61

  LPC Reserves Account:  May-Jun 2024

       In the bank: May 7th 2024………......£39,704.61

       Withdrawal: ………………………......£4000  



       In the bank: Jun 17th 2024.……..…..£53,986.86

 CIL Account:  May-Jun 2024

       In the bank: May 7th 2024……….….£19,578.66

                             Interest: ………………………….......£48.65


                             In the bank: Jun 17th 2024.………...£19,627.31

S106 Account:  May-Jun 2024

       In the bank: May 7th 2024……..…….£193.98

                             Interest: …………………………...…£0.45


                             In the bank: JJun 17th 2024………...£194.43


5.2 AGAR/accounts to be accepted and approved by Council June 24th.


5.3 Asset Register. Cllr Leone


6. Annual Parish Meeting. 

6.1 Council to review requests from Annual Village Meeting 2023.

6.2 Council to review requests from Annual Village Meeting 2024.


7. Future projects.

7.1 Discuss future project ideas put forward by residents and council.


8. Tennis club meeting. Cllr Leone.


9. New Councillor applications. Personnel committee.


10 Approval of reviewed policies. Cllr Leone.


In closed session


 11. Cricket club.

Proposed Dates for 2024 meetings:

12th Aug - LPC

23rd Sept - LPC

4th Nov - LPC

16th Dec - LPC