2024 Annual Parish Meeting 20th May




07791 088761

You are invited to the Lea Village Annual Parish Meeting at Lea Village Hall

7.30 pm Monday 20th May 2024


Running Order

The Legal Section

You are invited to attend the Annual Village Meeting which is open to all electors of Lea, who have the right not only to attend but also to speak on any matter of local interest.  Councillors attend this meeting as members of the public, only the Chair of the Council must take the chair.  If the Chair is not present, the Vice-chair of the Council must preside.  This meeting has its own minutes but these will only be approved at the next Annual Parish Meeting.  Matters arising from the meeting are not binding on the Council, though Council will take heed of what is said as it provides a prime opportunity to ensure the Council is acting on the needs and wishes of the community.

 Annual Village Meeting – The Schedule

7:30 pm Chair’s welcome and introduction.  Ratification of minutes of last meeting.

7:40 pm Review of current situation with Council and future plans, including financial situation.  Remember it is money from the council tax you pay that finances the village.  The village also has approximately £20,000 to spend.  It is important that the residents of Lea have a say in how funding is spent.

7.50 pm Audience complete comment slips with their say on how money could be spent.

8:00 pm Questions and comments from the floor.  This is an opportunity to raise any issues relating to the village.