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Meeting notes A74 – Feb 24th 2025

Meeting notes from the council meeting on Feb 24th 2025, 6.30pm at Butlers Pantry.

Present: Councillors – Helen Leone (Chair), Jill Martin (Vice Chair), Barry Rooks(Parish Clerk), Mark Stephenson, Oliver Stephenson, Paul Beck, Diane Beck, Emma Bailey.



1. Apologies. Cllrs S Leone and K Martin. Accepted by council.


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting. 


Parish resident Mr Barton attended the meeting at the invitation of Cllr Bailey. He shared his concerns about increased flooding issues from the Trent onto his land between the river and Lea, on the A156 and into the village. His approaches to the Environment Agency have been ignored. Mr Barton urged the council to consider various ground works to mitigate flooding and protect the village. He also mentioned his failed LCC application for sand and gravel extraction on land opposite Lea Park, but an appeal has been lodged. He suggested that within 10 years, this is likely to happen. He believes that gravel pits can help reduce risk of flooding and provide windfall gains for Lea though no examples were provided. This would be classed as a small site of between 30/40 acres.

As a member of the WLDC planning committee, Cllr Bailey declared an interest regarding the conversation around the gravel extraction application near Lea.


3. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13th January 2025. Approved with no amendments.


4. Finance Report. Clerk.

                        Current Account:  Jan-Feb 2025

                     In the bank: Jan 8th 2025….…..……….…...£999.32

                              Total Expenses:........................................£5753.21

        Total Income:.............................................£8014.93

                              In the bank: Feb 19th 2025………………..£3261.04

  LPC Reserves Account:  Jan-Feb 2025

       In the bank: Jan 8th 2025………………..£48,373.72

       Withdrawal: ……………….…………….…...£1,000.00      


       In the bank: Feb 19th 2025.…………..….£47,495.86

 CIL Account:  Jan-Feb 2025

       In the bank: Jan 8th 2025……………..….£19,773.98

                             Interest: …………………………..…….…….....£47.33


                             In the bank: Feb 19th 2025…………..…..£15,708.53

S106 Account:  Jan-Feb 2025

       In the bank: Jan 8th 2025…..……………..…£195.78

                             Interest: …………………………….…..…....…£00.46


                             In the bank: Feb 19th 2025……….……...….£196.24

Council accepted reports, consolidation of income and expenditure.


5. Building work around BP update. Clerk. 

5.1. Repointing work. Council to approve quote. Clerk to seek further quotes.

5.2. Fencing and drainage.  Clerk to pursue start date for drainage work and barrier requirements. Obtain quotes for picnic table.


6. Future projects. Progress reports - All councillors. Clerk to obtain quote for installing new park signs and relocating bins. 


7. Grass cutting contract. Tenders have been sent out to contractors. Sealed bids to arrive by 28th February.


8. Tennis Club lease. Cllr Leone. After receiving professional advice the council have approved the new lease. Lease to be sent to Tennis Club for final sign off. Clerk to organise quotes for 2 water heaters in the kitchen and toilet of Butlers Pantry.


9. Lea Park: Pond, pathway, orchard. Clerk to order signs for ponds. Cut pathways in orchard to be discussed. Arrange site visit.

9.1 Lea Park plan. Cllrs H Leone & J Martin. Plan being developed, progress report at next meeting. Play park inspections actions being progressed and on track.


10. Unfinished homes and works at Rose Gardens. Cllr Bailey updated on progress. List of issues sent to Rippon Homes. Discussions with WLDC regarding enforcement. 

10.1 Noticeboard on new estate. Cllr D Beck to explore potential locations. Clerk to discuss potential locations with Highways.


11. Lea Life. Cllrs H Leone & J Martin to draft. 


12. Submission for sand and gravel quarry at Lea Fields/Marshes. Cllr Leone. Questions from councillors to be submitted to chair prior to an in person meeting to discuss 


Proposed Dates for 2025 meetings:

14th April 2025 - LPC

12th May - LPC AGM

19th May  - Annual Parish Meeting

23rd June - AGAR

11th August - LPC

22nd September - LPC

3rd November - LPC

15th December - LPC