Minutes A62 – Nov 6th 2023

Minutes from council meeting on Nov 6th 2023 6.30pm at Butlers Pantry

Present: Councillors – Helen Leone(Chair), Barry Rooks(Parish Clerk), Jill Martin, Mark Stephenson.

1. Apologies. Emma Bailey. Accepted by council.


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting. None received.


3. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 2nd Oct 2023. Council approved.


4. Election of new Vice Chair and appointing new councillors. Council received and accepted resignation letters from Cllrs Fiona Anderson and Paul Warner. The Council would like to express its indebtedness for their long term service and support over the years. Fiona has moved away from the area and Paul has pledged to continue to support the council where he can. A proposal was made and seconded for Cllr Martin to stand as Vice-Chair, which was agreed by the Council.  


5. Planning. Cllr Leone. No comment.


PROPOSAL: Planning application for first floor extension to form two ensuites

LOCATION: The Old School House Lea Park Lea Gainsborough DN21 5JD


6. Finance Report. Clerk.

6.1 Monthly report.

                        Current Account:  Aug/Sept 2023

                     In the bank: Sept 23rd 2023….……..£503.44

                              Total Expenses:.............................. £67,742.40

        Total Income:.................................. £68,377.56

                             In the bank: Oct 31st 2023…..….....£1138.60

  LPC Reserves Account:  Aug/Sept 2023

       In the bank: Sept 23rd 2023…….....£28775.22

       Withdrawal: …………………….......£2758                    


       In the bank: Oct 31st 2023.………..£26041.41

 CIL Account: Aug/Sept 2023

       In the bank: Sept 23rd 2023.…..….£23977.79

                             Interest: ………………………….…£20.6



                             In the bank: Sept 23rd 2023.….....£20334.39

S106 Account: Aug/Sept 2023

       In the bank:Sept 23rd 2023…..….£58759.32

                             Interest: ………………………...…£53.14


                             In the bank: Oct 31st 2023……..£320.90

Council accepted reports and consolidation of income and expenditure.


6.2 Discuss 2023/24 budget and precept. Council agreed provisional budgetary expenses for 2024/25. Precept expected to be kept at the current figure of £22,000, therefore no increase for 2024/25. 


7. Lea Park.

7.1 Play Park update. Review finances. Small amount remains of S106 money(see above). £960 still to be spent on fencing - to be funded from CIL money. Heras fencing to be removed on 10th Nov. New sign installed on 11th Nov. Clerk to start monthly play park inspection.

7.2 Security lights for the play area. Clerk to seek quotes. 

7.3 Flooding issues at Butler’s Pantry. Review quotes. Clerk to send round quotes to council to decide on contractor.

7.4 Renew fencing/layout around Butlers Pantry. Council to arrange site visit to approve and agree plans.


8. Rippon Homes/Rose Gardens update. Cllr Leone. Cllr Bailey continues to pursue a resolution.


9. Land on St Helen’s Drive. No ownership established. Clerk to ask Tivoli to add the bank to their regular tasks.


  10. Correspondence regarding pedestrian crossing. LCC survey figures revealed there is no current requirement for a crossing. Council observed that the new speed limit was being observed and was making an impact. 


Other: Council agreed to obtain costings to install a handrail on the steps near Stainton Close. 


 Proposed Dates for 2023 meetings:

18th Dec - LPC