
07791 088761

You are hereby summoned to the Meeting of the Council at Butlers Pantry, 6.30pm, Monday 13th January 2025. There will be a 15-minute public forum at the beginning of the meeting should any members of the public wish to ask questions or make short statements to the Council. For any other comments please refer these to Barry Rooks using the contact details above for future discussion by the council. 



1. Apologies.


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting.


3. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th December 2024.


4. Finance Report. Clerk.

 4.1 Monthly report.


                        Current Account:  Dec-Jan 2024/5

                     In the bank: Dec 10th 2024….…..……...£1,011.62

                              Total Expenses:....................................£1,012.30

        Total Income:.........................................£1000.00

                              In the bank: Jan 8th 2025………………..£999.32

  LPC Reserves Account:  Dec-Jan 2024/5

       In the bank: Dec 10th 2024……….…..£49,373.72

       Withdrawal: ……………….………….…...£1,000.00      


       In the bank: Jan 8th 2025.…………….£48,373.72

 CIL Account:  Dec-Jan 2024/5

       In the bank: Dec 10th 2024……….….£19,773.98

                             Interest: …………………………..……….....£00.00


                             In the bank: Jan 8th 2025………..…..£19,773.98

S106 Account:  Dec-Jan 2024/5

       In the bank: Dec 10th 2024…..………..…£195.78

                             Interest: …………………………….……....…£0.00


                             In the bank: Jan 8th 2025……….…….….£195.78


4.2 Council to set precept for 2025/26. 


5. Building work around BP update. Clerk 

5.1. Repointing work.

5.2. Fencing and drainage.  


6. Future projects. Progress reports - All councillors.


7. Play equipment report. Cllr Leone.


8. Quotes for additional park equipment.


9. Tivoli contract - update


10. Handrail between Stainton Close and Trehampton Drive - update 


11. Tennis Club lease. Cllr Leone.


12. Lea Park: Pond, pathway, orchard.


13. Unfinished homes and works at Rose Gardens


Proposed Dates for 2025 meetings:

24th February - LPC

14th April - LPC

19th May - LPC AGM

26th May  - Annual Parish Meeting

23rd June - AGAR

11th August - LPC

22nd September - LPC

3rd November - LPC

15th December - LPC